September 4, 2009

...If I Could Just Go Back!

At work today they had a Spirit Assembly. One of the events was for the students to guess which staff was in each picture of a slideshow. The pictures were doctored on I thought it looked awesome, so I yearbooked Austin and I. Try it out!


Aynna banahna said...

I think you should grow your hair like that for real. Pretty sweet feathered Farrah Fawcett!!

Megan said...

That could be a fun family reunion idea. =)

Nelson Nitwits said...

Oh, goodness! Love it! :)

Michelle said...

This is simply awesome!!!

Aaron and Lisa said...

Very fun. I think that you should print the first one and frame it!

Austin and Amanda said...

The funny thing is that Austin has a similar picture of himself in 1996 as the bottom picture.

Aynna banahna said...

The cereal at Smith's turns out to be about 1.25 a box after discounts and coupons. So I bought a bunch :)

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath