August 1, 2009

Free Ogden Activities

During the summer in Ogden, many local recreational activities are free on Saturdays. With Austin being in school, we really appreciate this date night "stimulus."
Today we went to the Ogden Nature Center and learned about birds of prey, watched for deer in the flatlands, and leisurely strolled through the tall grass.
From there we went to the Treehouse Museum and received a guided tour through the exhibits. (Warning: They will not let you into the museum unescorted unless you are accompanied by toddlers, children, etc. We learned that the hard way. They will give adults guided tours, however, by appointment). The Treehouse Museum is a child's mecca. It whimsically provides hands on experience with life through trivia, costumes, crafts, and play. When we have children, I have a feeling we will frequently explore this museum.
The last adventure we undertook today, besides going to the laundromat, was to watch the 1933 version of "King Kong" on the big screen at the new library. We laughed at the cinematography and contemplated how cutting edge it was for it's time.
We're making the most of this summer before Austin starts school again in the fall.

1 comment:

Megan said...

sounds like a fun way to spend time together!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath